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Harnessing Your Emotions Series 2
September 1, 2023

Harnessing Your Emotions Series 2

A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls.
Proverbs 25:28 NLT
The emotions of the believer, if not controlled, can run wild, leading to the manifestation of various works of the flesh. However, one of the blessings of the recreated human Spirit is self-control. The man in Christ is not a city without walls he has self-control, and so he can bridle his emotions.

In this teaching, Pastor continues the series on “Harnessing your emotions.” He shows us from the word

* Why we should control our emotions

* He explains the difference between the jealousy of man and the jealousy of God

* He also explains the connection between lust and temptations.

This teaching would bless you immensely even as you listen. It contains timely gems and truths that can revolutionise your life. Don’t forget to share with as many as possible.

Thank you

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