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Fulfilling your Calling – Series 1
January 8, 2024

Fulfilling your Calling – Series 1

There is a call of God upon every believer. This is the highest and greatest call ever. This call is to be saved and in it are other callings. The believer would go through life frustrated and unsatisfied if he fails to discover and fulfil the call of God upon his life.

In this teaching, Pastor begins a series in fulfilling you calling. He highlights and explains from the word of God.

* What is the primary Call of God upon the believer

* Church Membership as a Calling

* He explains further Romans 9 “Jacob have i loved, Esau have I hated ”

* Other Callings in the Call of Salvation.

This teaching would stir you up immensely to live out the call of God upon your life and fulfil destiny. Listen be blessed and don’t forget to share with as many as possible.

Thank you

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