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Dealing With Temptation Series 1
July 7, 2024

Dealing With Temptation Series 1

One of the challenges the man in Christ has to deal with as a result of living in a fallen and troubled world is temptations. These temptations which do not originate from God are desires of the flesh that attempt to draw the believer away from the word and will of God. So how best does the believer deal with temptations?

Find out more from this powerful teaching series “Dealing with Temptation” as Pastor answers various questions from the word of God such as

* Does God tempt or test the believer?

* The Chronology of temptation as seen in Genesis and the four gospels

* What is the true aim & purpose of every temptation the believer faces

* How to deal with thoughts that attempts to draw us away from Gods word and will.

This message comes with a lot of insights and wisdom from Gods word that will set you above and position you for victory over every temptation of the devil. Listen, be blessed and don’t forget to share with as many as possible

Thank you

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