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The Foolishness Of Preaching

September 28, 2024
The great commission is a mandate to make disciples of men but before men can become disciples of Christ they must the preached to. Every believer has been commanded by…
Healing is the will of God, He is never a party to sickness. It's God's plan and intention to heal all that are sick. If we will enjoy the healing…
The Believer is an Able minister of the New Covenant. The moment a man believes the gospel of Christ he receives the Ministry of Reconciliation. He becomes a vital tool…

Supernatural Evangelism

September 6, 2024
It is God's design that the preaching of the gospel will be accompanied by supernatural signs and wonders. The demonstration of the Spirit's power as we preach the gospel of…
One important truth to know about Divine healing is that it is Spiritual, it comes first to a man's spirit then it begins to manifest in his body. Most times…
Healing is the will of God. God wants every believer to walk in divine healing. He doesn't want his children sick and down every time symptoms come or the doctor's…

How To Make Disciples

August 23, 2024
The great commission wasn't just to preach the gospel of Christ alone. Matthew's account will tell us that it was to preach and to make disciples of all those saved…
Upon salvation, God equipped the Believer with the ability to preach the same gospel message that got him saved. The Spirit within and upon the believer had qualified and empowered…
TAKE HEED! is a biblical instructions to all believers. It is a call for retrospection and introspection. It means beware... in the believer sojourn on earth there are things he…
Prayer makes the believer less susceptible to the temptations that may come his way. Our Lord Jesus said, to the disciples "Watch and pray lest you enter into temptation". If…
The Bible shows us that the believer is not in any way helpless in times of temptation. He can resist the devil steadfast in the faith standing on the word…
One of the Bible's prescriptions for dealing with temptation is to develop godly desires as we delight ourselves in the Lord, His word, fellowship with Him and Fellowship with the…
The Bible has a lot to say about the Gift of interpretation of tongues. Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 14 explains in detail the workings and operation of this gift…
The mistake many Believers have made and still do make is to attempt to deal with temptation by the arm of flesh. The Bible says "By the arm of flesh…
Good news! Even before that temptation came to draw you away from God's word and entice you, God had already made a way of escape and strengthened you to overcome…
God's will for every believer is to function in all of the Gifts of the Spirit. He will have us not only speak in tongues but interpret tongues. The Gift…
There are several biblical instructions as touching wealth and money. God has a plan, purpose and will concerning the money of the believer. God who gives the believer the ability…
There are several biblical instructions as touching wealth and money. God has a plan, purpose and will concerning the money of the believer. God who gives the believer the ability…
God did not design the Acts 2 experience to be a one-off event. A study through the book of Acts shows us that God's will for every believer is to…
One of the challenges the man in Christ has to deal with as a result of living in a fallen and troubled world is temptations. These temptations which do not…
We are in the Last days where the Spirit of God has been poured out on all flesh. Where the promise of the father has been fulfilled. The fulfillment of…
The man in Christ is the temple and house of God and by the Spirit of God, he offers spiritual sacrifices to God. These Spiritual Sacrifices are offered in the…
The defining feature that makes the believer a Spiritual house capable of offering Spiritual Sacrifices to God is the fact that his spirit and the Spirit of God have now…
One of the wonders of the new creation in Christ is that the Almighty, most holy and glorious God has built in him believer His dwelling place. The Bible teaches…
The benefits of being a committed member of a local church are immense. Church membership is not for a time but for a lifetime. It carries with it the blessings,…
Church membership is God ordained. It is the wisdom of God that every lost sheep (unsaved) or wandering sheep (unchurched believer) is brought to a fold (the local church) under…
To live by Grace is not to live without laws. To live by the Grace of God is to submit oneself under the influence of the Law of God. There…
The purpose of Sound doctrine is to bring the order of God into our lives and keep us from all forms of Lawlessness. The strong believer is not the one…
Our behaviour and attitude when we gather in the Church shows our honour to God and His things and His people. There is the right way to conduct ourselves when…
One of the beauties of the Pastoral is that God packages men as gifts and gifts those men(Pastors) to men (believers) to feed, care and teach them. This is more…
The way we handle or react to the success of others will determine if we will succeed not just before man but before God. The word of God is what…
When gather in the Local Church it is not just to be served but to participate. There is a way and manner we ought to conduct ourselves when we gather.…
The Chronology of Sin started after the fall of the first man, Adam and ended after the resurrection of Christ. By the resurrection of Christ God dealt a final blow…
The dealings of God with man are by the Law of Faith not the Law of works. There is what is called the Law of Faith. God designed it so.…
The world has its own definition of Success which is hinged on achievements, fame and recognition of various sorts. However, before God Success is not primarily found in the results…
Faith is the trigger that releases the power of God into various aspects and situations of life we may find ourselves and causes a tremendous change and alignment in the…
The blood of Jesus cleansed the believer not until his next but from all sins. By the blood, God has dealt with the sins of the believer securing an eternal…
Before man morality equals righteousness. Before God faith in the blood of Christ equals righteousness. We must understand God's estimation of Sin and the way God deals with Sin if…
"Behold the lamb of God that takes away the sins of world," John the Baptist cried as he saw Jesus. Quick question... does this mean there is no longer sin…
The Believer doesn't have a faith problem. He has received the faith of God. But why then do some Christians after salvation struggle to believe God and all he has…
Sin was a pandemic that affected all of humanity. It stood as a hindrance to man's fellowship with God. The gospel story is the story of how God dealt with…
It costs a lot to walk in the will of God for our lives will for our lives and that cost is a prayer cost. God's will would not just…

Agnoeō- Ignorance

April 6, 2024
An understanding of the Bible dispels ignorance. The believer has no reason to be ignorant because in the word of God are great and mighty treasures of essential understanding and…
The next thing after Salvation is Spiritual growth and in pursuit of Spiritual growth, you must be in a local church. The local church is where we receive Spiritual nourishment…
Prayer for the believer is more than a one time activity. It is the lifestyle of the believer. Every believer must have a prayer life. Do you have a Prayer…
One of the greatest disservice a believer can do to himself is not to pray. When we don't pray we begin to place our faith in man and things rather…
It is very essential that the believer not only knows God but grows in his knowledge of God. A growth in the knowledge of God is a growth in grace.…
A fervent Christian is one who has built a consistent structure of devotion to the Lord. Spending the early hours of the day with the Lord before anything else should…
After salvation, the pursuit of the knowledge of God is one of the things that really matters for the believer. An ignorance of this truth would greatly limit the believer…
The things that matter to the unsaved man should not be the same things that matter to believers. In God's word, we find what really matters and it redefines our…
Though the man in Christ lives in this world, He is not of this world. Hence in his dealings and time on this earth, He must not be swayed but…
There is a right and wrong way to fast. When it come to spiritual exercises such as fasting it is very important that we understand the reason why we do…
Fasting doesn't change God it changes us. As a matter of fact, little or nothing is said about fasting in the epistles. Why then should we fast? What then should…
The things that belong to us in Christ are inexhaustible that's why the bible describes it as the unsearchable riches of Christ. The more we know and understand these things…

Gifts and Callings

February 18, 2024
The gifts and Callings of God are not like the gifts and Callings of Man. Whilst man's gift is irrevocable and can be withdrawn, God would never change His mind…
The new creation in Christ is God's trusted and best asset. One of the things that Belongs to us in Christ is that God has counted us faithful and entrusted…
The things that belong to us in Christ are exceedingly great and priceless. However, It is the knowledge and consciousness of these things that would cause us to walk in…
A knowledge of the Call of God upon your life is not the end, its only the beginning of the journey to the fulfillment that Call. A knowledge of the…
The things that belong to us in Christ Jesus have been given us by God for our advantage. We take advantage of them not by our feelings but by faith.…
God qualifies the called. The calling of God upon a man's life is never because he earned it strictly by grace. If we must fulfil the calling of God upon…
The man in Christ has been blessed with every spiritual blessing. He has been endowed with all that he needs for life and Godliness. The moment a man believes in…
There is a call of God upon every believer. This is the highest and greatest call ever. This call is to be saved and in it are other callings. The…
As the coming years get tougher what makes the believer stand strong is the toughness that he has garnered from God's word. What saves the believer from errors is the…
Reading the bible is an instruction, not a suggestion from God's word. Not until we read the bible we would not gain a full understanding of the bible. If we…
True spiritual growth would stem from in an accurate understanding of God's word. This accurate understanding is found in the proper application of the rules of Bible interpretation. In this…
Proper bible interpretation would positively affect your worship of God. The keys to understanding the bible when we read it are found in the rules of Bible interpretation. In this…
What does God really want? The right answer to this question would set the believer on course in his walk with God and save him from the tricks, lies, deceit,…
One proof of autenciticy of the Bible is the consistency of the prophecies of the prophet about Christ.  Although the prophets existed in different centuries and settings and didn't have…
God doesn't want any of His children in the dark about what He wants. He doesn't want to be known by assumptions or rumors. What God really wants is not…
It is so easy to understand the scriptures many people's understanding of the bible is clouded with a lot of inconsistencies because they fail to read it through the lens…
Reading and understanding the word of God is God's will for every believer. There are no mysteries or contradictions in the bible any perceived contradiction is a product of a…
In between the picture of the future God had shown us and the manifestation of that future is Patience. Patience is the right attitude/disposition we carry as we wait for…
If we would fulfil the plans and purpose of God for our lives, then we must pursue the same with all faith and patience. The place of patience cannot be…

Maintaining Focus

October 18, 2023
Focus is the understanding of value and priority. No man has ever fulfilled purpose on earth without focus. Focus is not the absence of distractions or challenges but the ability…
Sometimes feelings can be very overwhelming, leaving a person seemingly helpless in an emotional bubble. However, in Christ, the word of God helps us to rightly judge our feelings, it…
Honour is the recognition of difference. This recognition of difference in itself is the wisdom of God to the believer. The word of God has a lot to say about…
The instructions to honour as found in the Scriptures is not restricted to the confines of the church it goes beyond even to those in the Government and even Parents…
A basic step that we must take in harnessing our emotions is taming the mind. The mind is the channel that fuels our thoughts, which ultimately affects our emotional dispositions.…
Living holy lives is a duty of the believer. The Bible calls our bodies the temple of God and in the same breath instructs us to flee sexual immorality because…
God is very much interested in the thought life of the believer. The wrong thoughts are the major tools which the devil uses to stir up the wrong emotions in…
While the Believer's spirit is saved, fully under the control of the Spirit of God. His soul is going through saving via the renewal with the word of God. Without…
The life of Honour permeates every aspect of our lives and changes our attitude towards everything, causing us to respond in a cautious and Godly way. In this teaching, Pastor…
Honour is a step from respect. It is with substance and it would cost us something. Honour recognizes what is concentrated and what has been seperated and it recognizes the…
We cannot harness our emotions if we don't carefully divide via the word of God the difference between the spirit, soul and body. In an understanding of this scriptural truth,…
A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls. Proverbs 25:28 NLT The emotions of the believer, if not controlled, can run wild, leading to the manifestation of…
Our Emotions are God-given not God controlled. It is seen in how we respond to a particular matter or thing. A positive or negative emotion is a function of what…
Worry thoughts is the strategy of the devil to take us out of the arena of faith and trust in God. God cares about every aspect of our lives. He…
No one is born with an inherent ability to honour the way the Bible instructs. Biblical honour differs from Cultural honour learned from the systems of the world. Honour in…
The teachings of the Apostles about the Gospel all came from the writings and prophecies of the old testament Saints. The Gospel as revealed in the epistles was preached in…
The teachings of the Apostles about the Gospel all came from the writings and prophecies of the old testament Saints. The Gospel as revealed in the epistles was preached in…
The teachings of the Apostles about the Gospel all came from the writings and prophecies of the old testament Saints. The Gospel as revealed in the epistles was preached in…
Though God didn't promise the believer a trouble free World. By his Spirit, God fully enabled the believer with all that he needs to overcome the fiery dart. If we…

Follow Up

August 11, 2023
Follow up is not just a growth strategy but a spiritual activity for the advancement of the kingdom of God . An effective follow-up is in much love, prayer and…
God has fortified the believer with all he needs to live in this troubled world. The disposition of the man is Christ ought to be different from that of the…
The systems of this world is controlled by the Devil. Hence, the wars, and increased darkness in this last days. The believer has been instructed to set his heart on…

Faith and soul winning

July 25, 2023
When it comes to Soul Winning, the place of the faith of the hearer and the faith of the preacher cannot be overemphasised. Whilst, indeed, our faith cannot save the…
The world we live in is fallen. The Bible calls it an evil age one that lies under the sway of the wicked one (Satan).  As we see the true…
The Chosen and Sent ones not only carry the message of Christ, they also bear the His suffering in persucutions and rejections. They wear the badge of the persecuted with…
If God is good, love and sovereign then why is there so much evil in the world He created? This thought must have crossed the mind of probably 60 percent…
It's is important that the believer who is Chosen and Sent by God remains faithful in the ministry which has been committed to his trust. There is a sense of…
When we preach the gospel there is always an implication. The preaching of the gospel determines the eternity of men. If a man believes he is saved but if he…
The instructions of Christ to the believer is  "Go into all the world" We have been given a mandate, a message and a location. God's dream is that all that…
The Believer is God's Choice for Ministry. All who obey the call of salvation and respond in faith are God's chosen ones sent by Him to declare the gospel of…
God has truly set us free in Christ and It is possible to experience this freedom in Christ. This experience is an outflow of knowledge.  We must oppose whatever wants…
The importance of a healthy local church cannot be over emphasised. It is the believer who is in a healthy local church that would be sound and healthy spiritually. It…
Gods perfect will for the believer isn't just to be in a local Church but to be in a healthy local church. What makes a healthy Local church isn't its…
Our Freedom in Christ is as a result of the of the indwelling of the Spirit of God in us. The investment of the Spirit of God in the believer…
The believer is the free, free from Sin, Guilt, Death and the Devil. This freedom is both legal and vital.Whilst God in Christ has finished the work of freedom legally,…
The office of the Pastor is very strategic and crucial to the believer fulfiling the will and purpose of God for his life. The response of Honour, submission and humility…
The relationship between a Pastor and his Member is a strategic and supernatural one ordained by God to help the believer fulfil God's plan and purpose on earth. If we…
There is no freedom problem in Christ. The man in Christ has been set free, today, tomorrow and forever.  In Christ Jesus, we don't fight for victory we fight from…
The Bible likens the relationship between Christ and the Believer to that of a Shepherd and a Sheep.  We are the Sheep in His Sheepfold(the Local Church) under a Shepherd(the…
Acceptable service to God is clothed in much humility, gladness, faithfulness, Godly fear and reverence. Service to God is a privilege which God has placed His honour upon. It is…
The Christian life is marked by service. This service is a two way street, we serve and we are served. If our service to God would be acceptable then we…
Without honour relationships would not last long even the relationships in the church and home. The word of God instructs honour not because of behavior of the other party but…
Marriage first exist to model Christ and the Church. Marriage on earth is instituted by God and is a honourable thing. We cannot successfully talk about attitude in the home…
The home and Church are two interconnected institutions. A man can have a good attitude in church and not replicate same at home. No man is born with a perfect…
God has given us His righteousness not by works or anything we've done but by grace. Not only did God declare us righteous in Christ, He made us righteous by…
We've got to have the right attitude to small things. We live in a world where everyone wants to do big things but don't want to start small. The principle…
Salvation is a free gift of God to all mankind. It is the help of God to a helpless humanity. It is God rescuing and securing lost mankind from the…

Attitude of Faith

March 14, 2023
There is an attitude that faith displays. This attitude is laced in confidence and knowledge of God. It produces an audacity that dares the impossible and commands the incredible. In…
Salvation is all the work of Christ and none of man's. The scriptures is clear that all who believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ are secured eternally…
The Local Church is a family where we receive Spiritual home training, where we find out the will of God for our lives and are guided in following same. There…
There is a better way to communicate in prayer. As believers we don't pray as a sinner or an ungodly person. The word of God has given the believer a…
If we must have strong local Churches then we must learn more about the Local Church. The Local Church is a family, a gathering of Saints howbeit it is very…
There is what to do after Praying and what not to do after Praying. If the Devil can't stop us from Praying he would come after us after Praying. Most…
The Great Commission for our Lord Jesus Christ was to make disciples of men but men cannot be disciples if they don't follow. Followership comes before discipleship. If we would…
It's the father's delight and desire to answer us when we pray with the fruits/results of our prayers. There is a prayer that works and this prayer is found in…

The Call to Discipleship

February 8, 2023
Discipleship is two fold we are discipled with the gospel of Christ so that we can disciple other with the same gospel. The Call to Discipleship is the Great Commission.…
Bible's instructions to Pray cannot be overemphasised as the effect of prayers in the life of the believer colossal. What makes it more interesting is that we see from scriptures…

God’s Vision Statement

January 31, 2023
God has a Vision statement and this vision of God is found in His vision board which is the word of God. Once a man catches God's Vision it changes…
We give expression to our faith by our speaking, howbeit in the talk of faith we don't speak what we see or the challenges but we call forth those things…

The Pursuit Of Purpose

January 23, 2023
We don't just stumble on purpose we find it in the Word of God. A man can't fulfil the Purpose of God for his life if he doesn't pursue it.…
We've all had times where our hearts was troubled with fear and worry thoughts even as life brought it's various challenges. Good news! There is a biblical way to deal…

The Purpose Driven Life

January 20, 2023
God created us for a purpose and that purpose must be the driving force behind our everyday life. If we are going to live a purpose driven life then we…

Grow Up

January 16, 2023
It is the God's will for every believer to grow up spiritually. Spiritual growth would not come by encounters but via revelation knowledge from the word of God. The believers…

The ABC’s Of Purpose

January 9, 2023
When the Purpose of a thing is not known then abuse is inevitable. The question then is... How do I discover my Purpose in life? Most times people make the…
The believer is always in the Spirit, this means he is in the arena where by he can flow in the nine gifts of the Spirit. These gifts are grace…
The fact that you flowed in the gift of the Spirit doesn't mean that you have an accurate knowledge about the operation, manifestation and administration of the gifts of the…

Now That You Are Healed

October 24, 2022
Healing is the will of God for mankind, saved and unsaved. Bible says freely we have received so freely we should give. God wants us healed just as we desire…

Now that you are Filled

October 20, 2022
The Baptism of the Holyspirit is a different experience from the new birth. This baptism comes with supernatural abilities that empowers the believer to operate in the gifts of the…
It is important that the believer maintains good conduct. However, what happens when the believer falls short what should be our disposition as fellow believers? Scriptures shows us that restoration…
Now that we are saved our lives ought to be lived for Jesus and we ought to grow in Christ. we really need to examine our lives and ask this…
Now that you are saved...what's Next? It is important to know the answer to this question, more so, to answer it correctly. Salvation gives us a sure hope even as…
The believer doesn't have a listening problem. He has the capacity to hear God's word accurately with the right attitude. Most times, pride, familiarity and offense have robbed us of…
One of the biggest problem of man is that he wouldn't listen. You would know a wise man by his desire to listen not speak. Many have been taught to…

Evidence of Faith

September 12, 2022
Faith is not irrational, it is not blind and it's not illogical. Our faith in God is hinged on a sure and proven evidence. This evidence is the word of…
The bible is not silent on Government and Order. It instructs the believer on his disposition towards the government and it also speaks on the approach of the government towards…
There is a biblical disposition the believer should have to work and it is seen in Joy, diligence, skill,faithfulness, care, consistency and perseverance. Hitherto, many have seen work as a…
It's God's desire that Christian living goes beyond the four walls of the Church and permeates our families as believers. God wants to build strong Christian homes that would further…
The believer has been called into fellowship with the father. This fellowship with father was created to be enjoyed not endured. For the believer to live the Christian life, a…

The Reborn spirit

July 25, 2022
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2nd Corinthians 5:17 NKJV What does it really…
The Spirit of God is the Spirit of Truth. If we must walk in all of God's truth as touching our lives then we must walk with the Holy Spirit.…
Pneuma is the Greek word used to describe the Spirit of God. The believers understanding of the Spirit of God must stem from the word of God not people's experiences.…

Vision Sunday 2022

July 4, 2022
Visions are inspired sights from the Divine. A Vision happen when the Spiritual eyes of the believer is opened by God to see. It is Gods will for the believer…

The Spirit of Generosity

June 27, 2022
In the kingdom of God there is a heart with which we give. We don't give as the world does, we give as God does that is freely with all…

New Testament Worship

June 13, 2022
True Worship is the not when we are singing and kneeling, singing and crying, the sounds of Cymbals and strings or being emotional as we singing to the Father. In…


June 6, 2022
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of…
We live in an evil world filled with many opposition and hostility this alone calls for a defence. But the question is... How do we deal with those who are…

The Walk of Honour

May 16, 2022
Faith is How we recieve from God while Honour is how we recieve from men. Mind you all that we would receive from God would come through men. The walk…

The Walk Of Love

May 9, 2022
One of the greatest revelation we can have about God is that our GOD IS LOVE. The believer is instructed to walk in Love just as God is love because…

The Walk of Faith

May 2, 2022
The life of the believer is by faith from start to finish. It follows that the believer must walk in faith to live in God's best for him on earth.…

Doing The Will Of God

April 26, 2022
It is not enough to only know the will of God we must go beyond and be doers of the will of God.It is the man that does the will…

The Man In Genesis

April 19, 2022
For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?” John 5:46…
A man would miss out on God's best for he's life if he doesn't know and understanding the will of God. The will of God is God's intent, plan, desire…

Hearing God’s Voice

April 4, 2022
Hearing the voice of God is very essential to our fellowship with Him. If a man doesn't hear the voice of God then he cannot enjoy his fellowship with the…
The Love walk of God to humanity is seen in Him forgiving us by the blood of Christ. This forgiveness is not to be asked for, it is preached via…
The topic of Righteousness is very crucial and cannot be overlooked when we talk about the gospel. Righteousness is the dividend of the gospel. There are two kinds of righteousness;…


March 14, 2022
The old testament is a treasure map to leading to Christ. This very gospel which we have believed in was spoken of in the Law of Moses howbeit in types…

The Simple Gospel

March 7, 2022
The Gospel of Christ is so simple that you need someone to help you misunderstand it. The first time you hear the gospel of Christ a seed is planted in…

Fervent Prayer

February 21, 2022
There is a kind of prayer that the bible describes as a fervent prayer.The same produces results. The same makes tremendous power available dynamic in its working. (James 5:16 AMP).…

Responsibility in Prayer

February 14, 2022
Prayer is fellowship with God but it's also a responsibility that God has given to the believer. It's a responsibility God has given to believer to change things on earth…

Ask In Prayer

February 8, 2022
Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us,…
As believers it is not just enough to be in a Local Church. We must go further to learning how to recieve and be blessed by the ministry gift which…
"God sets the solitary in families" Psalms 68:6 NKJV The will of God for the believer after salvation is that he is planted in a Local Church. One might wonder…
The bible records that when Jesus ascended He gave gifts as men. One of these gifts is the Pastor. What exactly is the pastor's job in the local Church? An…
The very last words of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was an instructions make disciples... this underscores its importance in Christianity. Discipleship is God's methodology for the expansion of…

This Jesus – Who Is He

December 27, 2021
The Law and prophets all testify of our saviour, Jesus Christ. Infact, He existed from the beginning before the earth was formed. Immanuel, He was called because of a truth,…
Jesus last words and instructions to his disciples was to make disciples... That instruction is still very relevant in our generation. If the kingdom of God would advance it would…

Dealing With Fear

December 13, 2021

God’s Plans for your Life

November 29, 2021
The plan of God for your life is for good and not for disaster. If we must succeed God's way then we must discover and follow God's plan. Here's an…
We've been called to unity as believers. Our faith in Christ cuts across all cultures, skin colors and social strata. One of the devil's tactics is to sow seeds of…
There is the wisdom of the world which is of the flesh and there is the wisdom of God which is of the Spirit. it is by the God kind…

The Working Of Miracles

November 8, 2021
Miracles are acts of divine intervention into mans realms. They suspend naturals laws and make the impossible possible. Miracles are a present day reality for the believer.The man in Christ…

The Utterances Of Faith

November 1, 2021
Faith gives us a stand, a walk and a talk. This talk is very bold. It is borne out of a confidence in the intent,ability and faithfulness of God. Faith…

The Gift of No Condemnation

October 26, 2021
We are in a society where feeling bad, sad and depressed is seen as the norm. But this is not the narrative of the believer. He has received the Gift…

Living in Two Worlds

October 26, 2021
The believer was rescued out of this world into another. He was translated into the kingdom of God. God wants the man in Christ to live the kingdom life here…

Filling the Gap

October 26, 2021
As we grow in Christ we begin to take on some responsibilities one of which is Intercession. The prayer of intercession is taking a stand on behalf of another. This…

In The Closet

October 26, 2021
The will of God for us before we got saved was that we should be saved. Now that we are saved part of His will for us is that we…

When We Gather To Pray

October 26, 2021
Not until you can learn how to pray with people you cannot pray personally. Praying together is the testimony of our unity. It would be impossible for the devil to…
Jesus Christ did no sin but he died the sinners death on the Cross. In his identification with the sinner, He died their death and went to where sinners go…
The Cross is a message of Comfort. By it we are able to come close to God. It is a message of hope, a fulfilled hope which all those in…
The Cross is the display of God's love, His grace and His Justice. It is by the cross God legally dealt with the sins of mankind. God is Just and…
The essence or the Power of the Cross is not in the wood but the one that died on it. The reason we boast in the cross is because Christ…
The inward witness is not a voice, it is a sudden awareness, realization and conciousness of guidance from within the believer. As touching leadings and perceptions... the inward witness is…
The primary way God would Speak to us is through his word and the Inward Witness. The Inward Witness is a New testament reality, no one in the Old testament…
When hands are laid healings happens, demons are cast out and the power of God is transmitted. The Laying on of hands is not just something we do for fun…
Through the Laying on of hands people are put in ministry, it also ensure the continuity of ministries in the body of Christ. If we want to see ministries continue…
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