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A Babe’s Desire

A Babe’s Desire

1 Peter 2:1-‬3 KJV
“Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, as newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: if so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.”

One of the most intriguing aspects of the lives of new-born babies is the way they desire.
Babies haven’t developed a certain level of self-control; hence, they are subject to what we may call an alluring illusion. This would cause them to want to have whatever they see and cry at the top of their lungs if they don’t get the thing they saw and desired.
Today, the Bible draws a line of similarity between the desires of a new-born baby and those of a believer. Though the believer may be mature in person, he must be like a baby when it comes to desiring and receiving God’s Word.
You see, the same way a baby would cry continually till they got what they yearned for, is the same way the believer ought to desire the Word of God. Just as babies have an insatiable hunger and desire for milk, the believer ought to have a strong desire and passion for the Word of God. This is how he would grow.
Friend, do a quick x-ray of your attitude towards the Word of God lately. Have you been comfortable or okay with missing Bible study for days, months, or even years? Have you been too busy to make time to read the Word of God? Do you wake up each day with that hunger and desire for the Word and to know Him better?
Learn from this attitude of babies towards the things they desire and apply it to your spiritual life, and you will see those other desires that are contrary to the Word of God fade away effortlessly.
Written by: Mattu Ofe
©️ Collins Throne Ministries 2022
Heavenly Father, stir in my heart an insatiable hunger for your Word that I might know you and grow into all that you’ve made me in Christ.

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