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The Chronology of Sin Series 1
April 22, 2024

The Chronology of Sin Series 1

“Behold the lamb of God that takes away the sins of world,” John the Baptist cried as he saw Jesus. Quick question… does this mean there is no longer sin in the world?
Find out more from this enlightening teaching.

In this teaching, Pastor begins a new teaching series, “The Chronology of Sin,” as He answers from the word of God some pressing questions on the subject of Sin.

* What is sin according to the Bible

* What does it mean to take the Sin of the World away.

* What is a sin unto Death according to 1 John 5

* What Sin and whose sin did Jesus Died for.

This teaching would bring so much liberation and strength to you in your fellowship with God. Listen attentively, be blessed, and don’t forget to share with as many as possible.

Thank you

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